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13th Eurasian Grassland Conference
Management and conservation of semi-natural grasslands: from theory to practice
20-24 September 2016 in Sighişoara, Romania
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Organized by
Eurasian Dry Grassland Group
Fundația ADEPT
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca
Supported by
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP)
Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (FlorSoz)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pelagic Publishing
Andrei Marin
Environmental Policy Processes: lessons from pasture management in Norway and Mongolia
Aniko Csecserits
What is the effect of a perennial invasive species (Asclepias syriaca) on the regeneration of sandy grassland?
Anna Kuzemko
Changes of meadow vegetation of the Forest and Forest - Steppe zones of Ukraine in the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century
Balazs Deak
Effects of local environmental factors on the species composition of loess grassland fragments - A case study on isolated kurgans
Csaba Tölgyesi
Hydrologic fluctuations trigger structural changes in steppe – wetland ecotones but have no effect on ecotone position
Dragos Luntraru
Identifying and monitoring high nature value grasslands using an indicator plant approach
Evelyn Rusdea
Sustainable management of semi-natural grassland – from interdisciplinary research to participatory implementation - An example from the Apuseni Mountains
Joern Fischer
Integration by Place, Case and Process Transdisciplinary Sustainability Science in Transylvania (Romania)
A new aspect of grassland vegetation dynamics: The presence of cyanobacterium colonies can affect establishment success of plants
Kinga Ollerer
Traditional vs. present management system of semi-natural grasslands from Southern Transylvania, Romania –a conservation perspective
Minodora Manu
Soil mite communities from heavy metal polluted grasslands - Transilvania, Romania
Monika Janisova
Role of tradi,onal ecological knowledge in conservation of Carpathian grasslands
Orsolya Valko
Supporting biodiversity by prescribed burning in alkaline grasslands–Amult
Rakosy & Craioveanu
Origins, evolution, management and conservation of semi - natural grasslands in Transylvania
Roman Hamersky
Restoration of Stipa spp. grasslands in Lounské Středohoří (southern part of České středohoří Mts.)/CZ
Scocco et al.
Increase of drought stress negatively affects the sustainability of extensive sheep farming in sub-Mediterranean climate
Solvita Rusina
National conservation and management programme for grassland habitats of EU importance in Latvia
Agnes Balazsi
Do public institutions on nature conservation and agriculture contribute to the conservation of species-rich hay meadows?
Agnes Horwath
Segetal vegetation in the Ciuc Basin neighboring Miercurea-Ciuc (Eastern Carparthians)
Anna Kovendi-Jako
Thousand-seed-weight and germination ability of native species used in grassland restoration in Hungary
David Nagy
Effects of prescribed burning on arthropods
Domas Uogintas
The interaction between mesic and steppic grasslands on the boundary of temperate and boreal zones
Dragana Cavlovic
Simulating the species occurrence in Serbian grasslands of protected areas
Eugen Goerzen
Impact of shrub encroachment on species and functional diversity in dry basiphilous grasslands in Transylvania
Gabor Szabo
Assessing spatial heterogeneity of biomass production in Hungarian grasslands
Jan Zarzycki
Effect of topography and land use in the past on mountain grassland vegetation
Martin Magnes
Grassland restoration: Best practice of sod transplanting by considering spontaneous colonization pattern
Melinda Halassy
Re-naturalization of an industrial area: Restoring dry sandy grassland - open oak forest steppe
Olga Chusova
The Helianthemo-Thymetea class communities within the Central Russian Upland (Ukrainian part)
Paola Scocco
Environmental education about grassland biodiversity, pasture management and research social utility
Philipp Sengl
Naturalness indicator values as a tool for estimating success in grassland restoration
Reka Kiss
Seed banks of Central-European grasslands (overview)
Valentina Borodulina
Herb vegetation diversity and meadow flora under protection regime (based on the study of Central-Forest and Polistovsky nature reserves)
Zita Zimmermann
Relationship between fine-scale functional and coenological patterns in grasslands in Hungary