General Information

Topic:     Management and conservation of semi-natural grasslands: from theory to practice


The local organising committee is pleased to announce that the 2016 Eurasian Grassland Conference will take place from the 20th to the 24th September 2016 in the historic town of Sighişoara in central Romania. This is the 13th annual meeting of the EDGG (formerly known as European Dry Grassland Meetings, EDGM), which aims to promote exchange and collaboration between those interested in all aspects of grassland research and conservation across Eurasia. The conference is intended to bring together latest research, and to link this to practical management and policy contributing to the sustainability of semi-natural grasslands. For the first time, three optional pre-conference workshops will be offered; one on scientific writing and another on science/policy interfaces concerning semi-natural grasslands.

The conference will include the following sessions:

  • Semi-natural grasslands and environmental policy and socio-economy

  • Landscape scale processes and historical evolution of semi-natural grasslands

  • Ecology and biodiversity of semi-natural grasslands

  • Management, conservation and restoration of semi-natural grasslands

as well as two field trips in local biodiversity hotspots. All other topics related to semi-natural grasslands are also welcome. A special issue of an ISI listed journal related to the conference is planned, to which all contributors to the conference will be invited to submit papers.

Download the Programme and Book of Abstracts and Second Call (PDF files)