
  • The Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) was established in August 2008 as the European Dry Grassland Group. Recently it expanded its ecological and geographical scope to cover all types of semi-natural grasslands of the whole Palearctic realm. The EDGG is an official group of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS, Its basic aims are to compile and to distribute information on research in and conservation of natural and semi-natural grasslands beyond national borders, and to stimulate active cooperation among scientists, practitioners and all who work with or are interested in grasslands.


  • Fundația ADEPT: ADEPT’s objective is support and preservation of the High Nature Value landscapes of Romania, and of the small-scale farming communities that have created them. ADEPT works to improve design and implementation of EU and national support measures for these farmed landscapes and farming systems, helps farmers gain access to support and improve markets for their products. ADEPT trains farmers, farmer associations, producer groups and tourist associations to support development of sustainable sources of income. ADEPT won the top EU prize for communicating the CAP to farmers, at the CAP@50 competition in Brussels, 2012 and 2013, as well as the top EU Natura 2000 prize for the European project bringing most benefits to local communities in a protected area.


  • Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca: BBU is the oldest, the largest, and in many ways, the most prestigious university in Romania. Its approximately 40,000 students learn either in Romanian, Hungarian, German or English. The linguistic and cultural diversity are defining elements of BBU, which distinguishes not only among Romanian universities, but also within the European context. BBU has 21 faculties. The Faculty of Biology and Geology has 10 B.Sc. and 11 M.Sc. programs. It has an excellent Botanical Garden with a Botanical Museum and a Herbarium, and a Zoological Museum with a Vivarium as well.